Thursday, July 22, 2010

To let go of someone doesn't mean you have to stop loving, 
it only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness 
without expecting them to come back. 

Letting go is not just setting the other person free, 
but it is also setting you free from all bitterness, hatred and anger 
that you keep in your heart. 

Certainly not

Do you miss me?
Maybe you do, maybe you dont.

Do you think about me, even once in a while?
maybe yes, may no.

I wouldn't know the answer, would I?
there's just no way.
it certainly is next to impossible.

and no I wont cry.
there's no way i would cry today or tonight.
not even tomorrow.

maybe the day after tomorrow, or the day after that.
or next week, or next month.
or maybe if im lucky enough, maybe next year.

but one thing is accurate, I wont cry yet.
not yet.

You are beautiful

You are beautiful.
You're oblivious to it but people around you are so much aware
how magnificent you are.

There's just no one can ignore your existence.
Especially me. Every piece of you matters to me.

I keep on thinking, how can anyone be as beautiful as you?
Are you even real?
Are you even human?
Or an angel for me to see what unearthly beauty means?

You dazzle me by your smile.
You take my breath away if you started talking.
and your look, whenever you look at me, it doesnt feel right,
it's like i was hit by a lightning. I cant move. I cant think.
All I can see is your eyes.
Your eyes that speak the inside of you.
it tells me that you are a beautiful soul.
a beautiful dream that can make me leave this chaotic place
and put me into a calm and sweet surrender.

You are beautiful.
as hypnotic as the stars in the sky.

You are beautiful.
calmly beautiful like the blue water in the ocean.

You are beautiful.
like a baby that sleeps in his mother's embrace.

You are beautiful.
like a raindrops in the dessert.

You are beautiful and I have a thousand more
reasons why i found you beautiful
but the finest reason I can give you is...


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bare Me

Today i decided i don't want to be strong for a while.
I'm letting my guard down just for now.
I am letting all my tears flow.
I am letting it fall. Shamelessly. Proudly.

Today, the shouting that I'm making inside, I'm letting it all out.
as loud as it can, as bold as it is.

Today, I am weak. 
People can tore me all they want.
People can hurt me until they hurt themselves in the process of hurting me.
People can crush me until they cant stand no more.

because today, I am bare.
I am me.
Just me.
Plain me.
Nothing more.
Nothing Less.


You smiled.
and that was the most breathtakingly smile i have ever seen.
so i smiled back at you, shyly.

and then a tears fell from your eyes.
the most expressive eyes I know.
and I was hurt. I bled inside.
It hurts so much seeing you hurting.

But I can do nothing about it.
Because it was me.

I hurt you.

I hurt you more than anyone can do.

Because you love me.

and that is what I cant give you.


I never had you

In the process of loving you, 
I lost everything.
You took everything of me.
Every piece of me.
Piece by piece everyday.
Until nothing is left.
Until I became empty.
Until me became you.
but the sad thing is...
i never had even a piece of you.