You are beautiful.
You're oblivious to it but people around you are so much aware
how magnificent you are.
There's just no one can ignore your existence.
Especially me. Every piece of you matters to me.
I keep on thinking, how can anyone be as beautiful as you?
Are you even real?
Are you even human?
Or an angel for me to see what unearthly beauty means?
You dazzle me by your smile.
You take my breath away if you started talking.
and your look, whenever you look at me, it doesnt feel right,
it's like i was hit by a lightning. I cant move. I cant think.
All I can see is your eyes.
Your eyes that speak the inside of you.
it tells me that you are a beautiful soul.
a beautiful dream that can make me leave this chaotic place
and put me into a calm and sweet surrender.
You are beautiful.
as hypnotic as the stars in the sky.
You are beautiful.
calmly beautiful like the blue water in the ocean.
You are beautiful.
like a baby that sleeps in his mother's embrace.
You are beautiful.
like a raindrops in the dessert.
You are beautiful and I have a thousand more
reasons why i found you beautiful
but the finest reason I can give you is...